Sunday, January 9, 2011

Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

I have spent a lot of time lately reconnecting with America - in the form of MadMen, Glee, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, reading English books, and talking a lot with friends and family back home.

Homesickness started to turn from a general sense of fatigue and hunger to desperate pangs of famine in my belly. Ironically, I think it is made worse by the fact that I know I will be back in the US in exactly 36 days. With land in sight, it makes days at sea that much harder.

I know why I left the US (see post: Lessons in Authenticity), and I honestly wasn't completely sure I would find a reason to come back.

But to all the non-believers, I can assure you I will be returning to the US. If I ever had any doubt, I don't anymore: You're only as good as the company you keep. I am lucky enough to have amazingly supportive friends and family back in the US, and I am all too excited to get back to seeing them (+ the newbies/a.k.a. babies) on a regular basis!

Besides, the beer in France sucks.

Until I am back stateside, I will be making the most of all my time in France, and therefore I am making a French bucketlist.

a) Eat creme brulee at a fancy restaurant. I don't know how I haven't done this yet. Shame on me.

b) Go to a Lyon soccer match.

c) Hang glide. Scarrrry but I'm doing it! I see a lot of people doing it here in the mountains.

d) Go to the south of France - suggestions welcome. I've seen Nice, Aix, Arles, Marseille, Cassis. Thinking about Toulouse...

e) Visit Annecy. For real, not just for an hour while waiting for a train.

f) Visit a vineyard (or 5).

Stay tuned as a check off these items.


  1. Hang on tight when you hand glide!

    Have fun, honey!

  2. Nice! I like it! I think you should do the hang gliding one handed with no harness! ;) Kidding, of course. Be safe, but have fun with that one. It sounds awesome.

    For the south of France, I have a slightly alternative suggestion. Is there any way you could get down to Barcelona? I really liked visiting that city when I was in France. I took an overnight train with some friends on the way down and back so that eased the travel time. The sand is nicer (as it is sand and not rocks) and there is a lot to see in the city as well. Just a thought.

    You could also go down to Monaco and play something in a casino. I went there very briefly. It was a pretty place and a little surreal with all the casinos and yachts and things, but I was sick and looking for a drug store the entire time so I didn't do anything that interesting. Putting some money down at a craps table could be kinda fun.

    Good luck with the bucket list. Love you!
