Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Little Town, It's a Quiet Village...

Well, I'm here in Passy. It was about an 18 hour journey of trains, planes, and automobiles. The flight on Sunday was a little rough due to the shenanigans of the night before, but thanks to Scandanavian Airline's personal entertainment console, I spent the day like any other hungover Sunday -watching a cheesy romance movie, a rerun of Glee, and playing Tetris. After a stop in Stockholm, I headed to Geneva. Then I took a train to Geneva's central train station, at which point I hopped on the #16 tram to a more obscure train station, where I then boarded a train to Passy! Once I was there, Olivier (my boss), along with 2 other English teachers, picked me up. It was 4PM on Monday by this time.

I waited at the school for a while since the "intendent" (person in charge of housing) wasn't in his office. After an hour or so, I was shown my room - a bed, a desk, a wrdrobe, a sink, and a window. There are a few students on my floor plus two professors.

That night, I went to the next town by car with Raph, another English teacher. He helped me get a SIM card for my phone, and I found an outlet converter. I got some food too. We stopped at his house for a drink. He is married to another English teacher at the school, they have three kids, and they live across from a horse farm. He invited me to stay for dinner, but I was in desperate need to sleep at this point, I declined and he brought me back to the school. On the way back, it was turning from dusk to night and lights from the houses dotted the mountainside - it was a really remarkable sight!

The next day, Miriam (another English teacher), went to the grocery store with me, where I scored some yummy wine for 4€. I drank it with another professor who lives in my dorm. He was telling about the regional cheeses but we segued rapidly into religion and then movies. He seemed very disappointed that I did not like Hitchcock and I recommended that he check out Wes Anderson.

Today I taught two classes, an advanced course of 7 students in which I spoke only English and a lower level, larger class which was more difficult. I played them some music - Can't Take My Eyes Off of You by Lauren Hill. Then I walked around the town for a couple hours and took pictures.

My pictures aren't loading right now, but I'll get on it ASAP and hopefully I can show you the town soon!


  1. How about trying some Beastie Boys next? I'm sure that would be some great material for learning English. I'm glad you are settling in well. I hope your weekend was nice. Keep up the good work, teach!

  2. I Do The Patty Duke In Case You Don't Remember Well, I Freak A Funky Beat Like The Shit Was In A Blender!
