Friday, October 8, 2010


I spent the weekend in the mountains at a training session with the other 225 assistants in my region. It was like camp - there were rooms with 8 bunks in each one, and freshman-year dorm-style showers - just all lined up next to each other. You had to pull a chain for the water (which was cold) to come out for 30 seconds. There were cows and horses everywhere too. I pet a horse :)

At training we learned about what is acceptable and unacceptable to teach (religion is COMPLETELY off limits!), and we learned some specific activitites we can do with the students. For me, it was also the first time I was able to converse with other Americans in 5 days. I know that does't seem like a lot, but try to think if you've ever gone 5 days without talking to a native English speaker... it's a rare ocassion I think.

I spent a lot of the weekend trying to find other English language assistants who lived within an hour train ride of me. I found 2. Nevertheless, it was a great bonding experience, and it was a relief to talk to people who were dealing with all the same things I was - culture shock, French bureaucracy, etc. Also, I think I secured some visitors since I told everyone how close to Chamonix I was (Chamonix is a world famous ski resort).

It was sad to say goodbye at the end, knowing that I was headed back to my remote corner of France alone. But on the bright side, my French will improve much faster I hope!

1 comment:

  1. Your French is going to improve a ton! I'm glad you got to see some other Americans though and exhange stories (and emails I hope) so that you could vent any frustrations with someone who gets it. I'm loving your posts!
