Thursday, October 21, 2010

Do You Believe in Magic?

It's been an eventful 2 weeks in France. I have successfully done the following:

- Obtained a magic key (hence the title of the post) that unlocks all the gates at the high school
- Obtained a TV and a mini oven for my room (thanks to the generosity of other teachers)
- Seemingly have secured getting internet (after the vacation, bien sûr)
- Taught French students about the Puritans, the Civil War, the Gold Rush, the Mexican American War, the Civil Rights Movement, country music, the concept of "soul food," and the term "laid-back." I've also discovered my favorite way to teach is through music. Next up for the French kiddies: The Devil Went Down to Georgia.
- Gone to a concert
- Played (and lost) a game of poker
- Most importantly, I made French friends!

I cannot stress the last point enough. My welcome (in French: L'accueil) was great, and the English teachers really went out of their way to make sure I wasn't alone. However, having friends my own age who aren't my direct colleagues is really good for my morale! Since making friends, I've gotten to do normal things like have a drink in a normal bar (not a dancing box), walk a dog at the lake, and play a game of poker - they type of things that I've found are surprisingly necessary for my equilibrium.

Last night, I went to see a concert. First act was an amazing solo pianist - Chick Corea. Second act was even better, a swiss band called Rusconi. A bit like Sigur Ros, these guys did amazing things a piano, and acoustic bass, and drums. They are definitely worth checking out:

In the 3+ weeks I've been here, I've noticed some things about the French that are surprising, and break some preconceived notions I had. I've also had many experiences that confirm lots of stereotypes, both in good and bad ways. So I think I'll dedicate my next post to Truths and Myths about the French. (Ex. The French smell bad: Myth. The French smoke a lot: Truth).

Oh, and the strikes? I've quickly become accustomed to the fact that going on strike is a national sport for the French, and is usually nothing to worry about. It also means I don't have to work as much :)


  1. Amanda,

    I'm so glad you're doing well! I can't tell you how excited I am that you taught your kids about "soul food". It's such an American concept. Love it. I miss you terribly, and I wish I was there with you!

  2. p.s. How's the whole TEACHING aspect?

  3. Glad you're the trusted key master. Keep it up, and you'll be mayor of the school soon.

    Life's great outside the US, huh? Let's never go back! :)


  4. Amanda I'm so glad to hear that things are going well! Also I'm super jealous you got to see Chick Corea live - incredible!!!
