Friday, October 8, 2010

Climbing Mont Envers

Yesterday, I climbed Mont Envers. It's a mountain right next to Mont Blanc, and it's awesome. I went with the students of technology/engineering. (At my high school, half the students are general high school students, and half are tech students. These students have finished their BAC -equivalent of a GED but harder- and are pursuing further education but not at a traditional university.) The tech course is two years. These students are anywhere from 18 to 24. Every year, both the first and second year students do this hike as a bonding experience. It was really great, not only for the scenery, but to hang out (finally!) with some people relatively my own age.

There is only one female in the second year tech course, and she sleeps right across from me in the dorm. There are two young women in the first year class.

All the students were very nice in sharing their wine and cheese with me at lunchtime. They also were pretty impressed I could keep up the hiking pace (about half the students opted out of the hike to take the train, but of course I chose to hike!). They said "L'ameraine est bien" - "The American is good."

We exchanged some information about music, they helped me distinguish the difference between "la rue" (street) and "la roue" (wheel), and I taught them a trick for saying the "th," as in "think." It's a sound that doesn't exist in French.

Tonight, I am going dancing with two female teachers...they are both about 40 years old! Should be interesting... stay tuned!


  1. It looks beautiful! Way to do the hike and not take the train! Were you also one of the only ones not to take a smoking break every mile or so?

  2. Amanda-Your blog is beautiful! I love the pictures and I am busy catching up on what you have written so far!

  3. The scenery looks amazing, Amanda. I think both your French and your skiing are going to improve this winter.

  4. We always knew that "the American is good!" Everything sounds like so much fun, Amanda!
